NOTHING IS FOREVER™ - ECOTHOR®-EOx Onsite PFAS Destruction from E2metrix

NOTHING IS FOREVER™ is our mantra. E2metrix strives to show the world that nothing needs to last forever, including chemicals such as PFAS, in our waterways.
Our waters are loaded with complex, toxic contaminants, from persistent organic pollutants to pharmaceuticals, hormones and the dreaded PFAS, known as forever chemicals. Through our patented, cost-effective ECOTHOR®-EOx electro-oxidation process, these lingering, dangerous chemicals can be a thing of the past in our waters.
Society should accept nothing more than CLEAN WATER FOR ALL, free from PFAS and other emerging contaminants.
ECOTHOR®-EOx for Onsite PFAS Destruction
leverages over a decade of experience in developing, designing, fabricating and delivering commercial ECOTHOR® electrotechnology solutions for a wide range of applications and contaminants. All the features from ECOTHOR® – industrial, robust design, optimal hydraulics from CFD modeling, ease of maintainability, automation, remote operation on multiple platforms – have been incorporating into ECOTHOR®-EOx for Onsite PFAS Destruction.
When ECOTHOR®-EOx is integrated with concentrating and polishing steps, this process can reduce the treatment costs by over 80% vs current approaches. Moreover, ECOTHOR®-EOx can be easily operated at the site of capture, avoiding transportation and long-term liability concerns.

>99% of PFAS destruction achievable
Easy Installation
Cost-effective solution
Low consumables' costs

Some facts about PFAS
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are chemicals used in consumer and industrial goods (ex. fire fighting foams, non-stick cookware, packaging, stain or water-resistant fabrics). But there is overwhelming evidence that persistent exposure to PFAS at the parts-per-trillion (ppt) levels or below in water, is toxic to human health, leading to cancers and many other sicknesses. More importantly, PFAS are not biodegradable, the reason why some refer to them as “forever chemicals”. At least 98% of all Americans have detectable levels of PFAS in their blood.
- Stubborn bioaccumulative contaminants
- Exist since 1930
- Can be related to multiple diseases including different kinds of cancers
- Commonly referred to as “forever chemicals”
When ECOTHOR®-EOx is integrated with concentrating and polishing steps, this process can reduce the treatment costs by over 80% vs current approaches. Moreover, ECOTHOR®-EOx can be easily operated at the site of capture, avoiding transportation and long-term liability concerns.

Some facts about E2metrix
- Electro-technology company for water treatment, founded in 2010
- Based in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
- Over 200 ecothor reactors delivered to date for various contaminants’ treatment and removal
- Strong IP portfolio - 18 patents, including 10 issued
- R&D into PFAS destruction since 2018